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Is Your Bathroom Clean Enough to Brush Your Teeth in?

April 2, 2019

It goes without saying, but your bathroom is a really gross place.

Even though our bathrooms are supposed to be sterile temples of personal hygiene, they often end up being more like a life-size science experiment. And if you aren’t taking your bathroom cleanliness seriously, you might unknowingly exposing yourself (and your mouth) to a variety of nasty bacteria.

You see, everything in your bathroom from your toilet to your sink and even your walls can become the perfect place for pesky bacteria to grow and thrive. That’s because in general, bathrooms are wet, damp and mostly dark places. On the surface, your bathroom may seem clean (because you’re not a total slob). But if you’re not deep cleaning your bathroom at least once a week, it may not be the cleanest place to brush your teeth after all. Here’s Why.

You Probably Bring Your Phone With you to the Bathroom

Around 90 percent of Americans admit to regularly bringing their smartphones into the bathroom with them. While this number is high, it’s not all too shocking when you think about all the unique ways we tend to use our phones in the bathroom like watching our favorite shows in the bathtub, using your phone for a makeup or hair tutorial, and even being there just to help us pass the time.

Without a doubt, smartphones have made the bathroom a more entertaining place to be. But that doesn’t mean that using your phone in the bathroom is sanitary. In fact, it’s actually a really really gross habit. It’s so gross that one doctor compares it to be the same level of unsanitary as eating dinner in your bathroom. The fact is that your phone is crawling with bacteria from everywhere it’s been. At any given time, there are hundreds of bacteria, fungi and yeast living on your device. Bringing your phone into the bathroom makes it more likely that you may expose your toothbrush nasty bacteria and in turn, your mouth.

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You Might Flush Your Toilet With the lid Up

It turns out that cells, including fecal cells, travel very fast in the bathroom. A good example of this is your personal, royal throne. Each time your toilet is flushed, microscopic fecal matter gets released up into the air and could potentially end up on your toothbrush. It’s an unpleasant thought that would give any clean freak the shivers, but it’s the reality of the bathroom ecosystem. One way to avoid this nasty situation is to use a toothbrush cover on your toothbrush when you aren’t using it. Just make sure you regularly clean and disinfect the cover once a week.

You Might be Mold Growing in There

We’re not saying you’re growing mold in your bathroom on purpose, but the humid conditions of your bathroom may mean that you have to worry about mold more than others. For example, some bathrooms in older homes retain moisture longer compared to modern bathrooms. Mold can also grow in the creases of your shower curtain and in the corners of your bathroom floor. It’s a gross, mildewy situation nobody should be exposing their toothbrush to. If you notice any mildew or mold buildup in your bathroom, especially black mold, take the proper precautions to get rid of it safely.

Cleaning the bathroom is a necessity if you want to keep your teeth clean and free from bacteria. To keep your loo in tip top shape, make sure to do the following.

Flush Your Toilet With the Lid Down

Using your toilet seat when you flush can make a big difference in the cleanliness of your bathroom. To keep nasty bacteria from spreading around your bathroom, remember to put the lid of your toilet seat down each time you need to flush.

Don't Let Mold Grow

When it comes to keeping your bathroom clean, mold can be your worst enemy. Mold can grow in your bathroom when moisture from your shower is left on bathroom surfaces and not regularly dried. A damp, wet room is the perfect place for mold to grow. To play it safe, make sure you’re regularly disinfecting and monitoring your bathroom for mold.

Stop Bringing Your Phone to the Bathroom

If you want to easily eliminate a good chunk of bacteria from your bathroom, try leaving your phone out of the equation. Our phones are covered in bacteria and do not belong in the same place where we expect to get clean.

Get Regular Dental Checkups

The best thing you can do for your teeth is to see your dentist for regular dental cleanings. It’s recommended that you go to the dentist at least twice per year to keep your mouth healthy.

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