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With no one left behind

2023 Mission Impact Reflection
Delta Dental of Washington

To every person, dental practice, employer, and organization that is connected to Delta Dental of Washington, this one’s for you. We are excited to share some of the ways we, together with you, made progress in 2023 toward our vision that all people enjoy good oral health with no one left behind.

We are honored to fund and partner with Arcora Foundation, Washington’s largest oral health foundation. Additionally, we work every day to ensure the way in which we deliver dental benefits fosters our mission, by incentivizing prevention and removing barriers to accessing care. Finally, we are proud to also showcase some of the community-focused programs, dental workforce initiatives, and partnerships in which we invested in 2023.

Too many people still suffer from the pain of oral disease, which impacts learning, employability, overall health, and wellbeing. There is much to do, and we appreciate your collaboration. If you have questions or ideas about improving oral health, please reach out!

Sincerely, Mark and Diane

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Mark Mitchke,
President and CEO
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Diane Oakes,
Chief Mission Officer

Delta Dental of Washington Mission

We disrupt, transform, and revolutionize the oral health industry to remove barriers to healthcare and improve overall health.

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Vanetta Abdellatif,
President and CEO of Arcora Foundation
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Arcora Foundation is thrilled to partner with Delta Dental of Washington to achieve our shared vision of Oral and Overall Health for all. We are excited to share our progress alongside our community partners and Delta Dental of Washington towards greater equity and health for every Washingtonian. Please check out our 2024 Community report to learn more about Arcora's work.

ddwa arcora contributions

The Power of Prevention

A healthy smile is a healthy you, and nothing keeps your smile healthy like routine preventive care.

Congratulations to our members who had a preventive care visit with their dentist in 2023! Member dentist partners completed 2,325,436 preventive services for Delta Dental members. Well done!

We value comprehensive healthcare for our members. This includes regular preventive vision exams alongside oral healthcare. Just as maintaining good oral health is essential for overall wellbeing, ensuring good vision through regular check-ups is equally important.

Open Wide

All people deserve access to the routine dental care that helps keep their smiles healthy.

We are thankful that 90 percent of Washington’s dentists are part of the Delta Dental of Washington network, the largest network of dentists with over 4,800 dentists in 2023!

Sharing Smiles

Partnering with the community to provide greater access to oral health

Many factors impact our oral health such as the availability of affordable and nutritious foods, accessibility of healthcare services, equitable policies and systems, and community water fluoridation. No single organization can address these factors alone. We were honored to support the important work of community-based and health organizations in 2023 to contribute to healthier communities. Thank you to our 2023 partners!

2023 Community-based and health partners

Thank you to our 2023 partners!

Partnership Success Stories

Poor oral health is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. As Chair of the 2023 American Heart Association Heart and Stroke Walk, we helped raise $1.15M for the Puget Sound chapter of the American Heart Association including initiatives that promote food security and healthy eating.

Volunteers and participants at the annual Heart and Stroke Walk for the American Heart Association.

Thank you!

From our Delta Dental of Washington OneTeam to you – Thank you for your partnership and connection in 2023. We look forward to serving with and for you again in 2024.