How often do you pause to analyze the emails your practice receives before clicking and acting?
According to the American Dental Association (ADA) and cybersecurity experts, phishing is the number one way cybercriminals breach dental office data and computer systems—and with the power of Artificial Intelligence, they’re becoming better at doing so.
Keep reading to expand your phishing knowledge and learn 5 simple questions worth taking the time to pause and ask.
Phishing emails are fraudulent emails that look like they were sent from legitimate sources—like dental suppliers, banks, or other popular companies and services. Taking advantage of consumer trust, phishing emails aim to trick dental office staff into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial information, or patient data. They can also contain malware or ransomware that can compromise the dental office's computer system.
Analyzing an email before replying or clicking is crucial to protect yourself from various online threats, including phishing, malware, spam, identity theft, financial fraud, and more.
To help avoid falling victim to phishing emails, it's essential for dental offices to be vigilant and implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect patient data and prevent cyberattacks. Before clicking a link or opening an attachment, use the ‘power of the pause’ to ask yourself these 5 questions. If you answer ‘YES’ to any, be cautious and verify the email’s authenticity before acting!