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Delta Dental - Basic Plan

Our Most Affordable Dental Plan

basic plan

The Basic Plan is created for those looking to save on costs while still receiving 100% coverage on most preventive care services and 50% coverage on fillingsi and non-surgical extractions. With the Basic Plan, you can keep on smiling knowing your wallet is happy and your essential oral health is covered.

Which plan is right for you? Click on each person below to find out why they chose the Basic Plan*


Megan graduated a few years ago and started her career as a freelance events planner and knows she will be falling off her parents’ insurance next year.

Now that I’m done with college, started my career, and soon-to-be off of my parents’ insurance, I need something that covers my needs without being too expensive. I have healthy teeth, so I don’t need anything major, just some cleanings and maybe a few x-rays here and there. I know how important it is to see a dentist at least twice a year, and those cleanings can be expensive if I don’t plan for them. I don’t expect to match my parents’ plan, but I want something that at least covers the basics.


Andrew works hard as an HVAC inspector but doesn’t have benefits through his employer, a tiny family-owned business.

I get my teeth cleaned twice a year and that’s all I really need right now. The dentist says I don’t have any issues to worry about so long as I keep up my good brushing and flossing routines. But without insurance, even those basic cleanings plus x-rays really can add up. I’m trying to save for a new car, pay off my loans, and look after my nephew. I’ve got good teeth and I want to keep it that way. For me, a little bit of extra help goes a long way.

*Personas are fictional and only intended to represent possible oral health needs and situations. They are not inclusive of all needs or circumstances.

Plan Features per benefit yearii
Monthly Premium
Eastern/Western WA
Plan Year Maximum
Shared Maximum Benefit
Individual Starting Rate
$31.45 / $36.25
$1000 per person None
Office Visit Copay
Preventive Care
Cleanings, exams, x-rays and fluoride
None $15 100% cleanings and exams
50% panoramic/full mouth x-rays and fluoride
Fillingsi Crowns Root Canal
Surgical & Non-Surgical
50% Not Covered Not Covered
Non-Surgical Extractions Periodontal Maintenance Orthodontics
50% Not Covered Not Covered
Annual Contract Waiting Periods  
Yes May Apply  
Compare to Similar Plans
  This Plan    
  Basic Plan Clear Plan Enhanced Plan
Description Most affordable plan that covers preventive care, fillings, and non-surgical extractions. No guessing, fixed-out-of-pocket costs, no waiting periods or dollar maximums. 100% coverage on most preventive care services and 50% on most major procedures.
Monthly Premium
Eastern WA
$31.45ii $36.55ii
Starting rate for Individuals ages 26-50
Actual rate may be higher or lower depending on age
Monthly Premium
Western WA
$36.25ii $48.35ii
Starting rate for Individuals ages 26-50
Actual rate may be higher or lower depending on age
Plan Year Maximum
per person
$1000 None $1000
Shared Maximum Benefit None None None
Deductible None None $50
Office Visit Copay $15 None None
Preventive Care
Cleanings, exams, x-rays, and fluoride
100% cleanings and exams
50% full mouth and panoramic x-rays and fluoride
Fillings 50%i $115
Crowns Not Covered $740

1 crown per person per 12-month policy period
Root Canal Not Covered $535

2 teeth in 12 months after purchase or renewal, once per tooth every two years after
Implants 50% $2600 Copayiii 50%
Non-Surgical Extractions 50% $115
Surgical Extractions Not Covered $230 Copay Not Covered
Periodontal Maintenance Not Covered Included in Preventive Care Visit 50%
Orthodontics Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered
Cosmetics Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered
Annual Contract Yes Yes Yes
Waiting Periods May Apply None May Apply

Tooth-colored fillings on back teeth not included.

ii These are benefit highlights only. Monthly premiums shown are examples of monthly rates for subscriber-only in Washington, effective January 2025. Actual rates may vary (higher or lower) based on plan effective date, plan choice, your age, your location, number of people insured, their age, and relationship to you. For full details of plan, benefits, and pricing, please visit

iii A Pretreament Estimate is suggested. Clinical requirements must be met, 1 crown per person per 12-month policy period. 1 implant per person per 12-month policy period.

iv A Pretreament Estimate is suggested. Clinical requirements must be met, crowns covered at 50% per tooth every seven years.

2 teeth in 12 months after purchase or renewal, once per tooth every two years after.